6 Life Hacks I Started to Help the Environment

4 min readJan 15, 2020


color coded garbage bins for organizing trash and recycling
Eco friendly life hack: color code your garbage & recycling

When it comes to taking care of the environment, no act is too small. In the face of melting glaciers, continued deforestation, the rise of all kinds of pollution, and the visible effects of global warming, it often feels like we can’t make a difference on our own. However, this is far from the truth. Millions of people across the world take small steps to save the environment every day including eco friendly life hacks.

It’s these small steps all over the globe that combine to make a huge impact. This impact improves the environment for future generations by slowing down the effects of global warming and other environmental issues.

So, if you want to do more for the world around us, here are 6 simple life hacks to help the environment that are easy to incorporate into your daily life.

Drive Slower (And Less Often)

This is one of the more important points. Driving slower not only saves fuel, which is great for the environment, but it also makes the roads a safer place for everyone.

If you drive just 10 mph below the speed limit and go easier on the accelerator and brakes, it makes a difference.

Start leaving the car at home for short journeys, too. Either walk or ride a bike and you take better care of your health while saving money.

Wash Your Laundry at 86°

Washing machines use a lot of power. Most cycles operate at 104℉ (40℃), which is the recommended washing temperature for most laundry. Try turning the temperature down to 86℉ (30℃) to wash your laundry just as well while saving power.

Energy Star suggests that this simple hack uses up to 50% less energy. That’s some substantial savings for something as simple as turning a dial on your washing machine.

Stop Using Plastic Bags

Plastic pollution is a serious environmental issue that needs much more serious consideration today. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, and meanwhile, it spreads toxins that are harmful to the environment.

We can do our bit by refusing to buy or use plastic bags. There are plenty of environmentally-friendly bags to use instead. They are typically stronger and last a lot longer, too.

Go Paperless and Save Trees

Going paperless is incredibly easy in this day and age. Our smartphones are more than capable of storing all the information we need, which is great because it’s so easily accessible. Using a home PC and cloud storage is just as good.

Don’t stop at switching your own paperwork over to electronic records. Most companies you deal with should offer online-only communications, too. It’s a win-win for businesses because they save money on printing and consuming paper.

Use Rechargeable Batteries

Every year, people throw away billions of batteries. Most end up in landfills, and some might find their way into recycling plants. Either way, batteries contain some toxic and corrosive materials that are very harmful to the environment.

Mercury and cadmium, in particular, pose a serious threat to the environment. They contribute to the greenhouse effect and are unavoidable when throwing batteries away.

If we all used rechargeable batteries, it would be a different story. Rechargeable batteries last for 500 to 1,000 charges before you must dispense of them.

Switch off Appliances and Lights When Not in Use

Most electrical appliances have a standby mode. This means they still use electricity, albeit a small amount, when not in use. If you go around your home and list all the appliances plugged in and on standby, I bet there are at least a dozen.

Switching all these off or unplugging them makes a huge difference in how much power you use over the course of a year. For the same reason, switch off lights when not in use.

A Note from GR8NESS

Once you’re in the “save the environment” mindset, you’re going to see loads of opportunities around you to cut down on packaging, recycle more, use less power, and so on.

Caring for the environment is a lifestyle choice. We’re not suggesting you go and live off the grid and become self-sustainable. But, the facts show there are many little things we can do every day to make a difference.

It’s time people made more noise about saving the environment. We can all make a difference. When we combine our efforts, the difference has a positive, noticeable effect on the environment around us. Make sure to check out more eco friendly life hacks you can use towards an eco-friendly lifestyle.

This post was originally published on Gr8ness.com.




Written by GR8NESS

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